Making sense
of humour.

Emotional Rescue are one of the most successful humorous greeting card publishers in the UK, supplying the largest humour card offer across birthday, captions and seasonal designs to independent stores, high street multiples, grocers and also on-line retailers.
With only 15 employees, we are a lean, mean, product-focused, humour machine that is constantly learning and adapting to what the good, old British public likes to have a good giggle at.
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Who are we?
We are one of the most successful humorous greeting card publishers in the UK, supplying the largest humour card offer across birthday, captions and seasonal designs to independent stores, high street multiples, grocers and also on-line retailers.
All of our cards are designed and manufactured in the UK and are 100% environmentally friendly.
All ranges are available in captions and seasonal offers as well as general birthday/blank.
Learn more here